2. Frequently asked questions

Login and credentials

I can't login to TUNI Moodle?

There are three different login methods available. Verify that you have selected correct one:

Instructions: Login and reset forgotten password

I forgot my password??

If you are an external user who has received a separate Moodle account. For example if you are participating continuing education courses. Reset your forgotten password here:

If you have Tampere universities TUNI account (account ending with @tuni.fi), reset your forgotten password here:

I got “error/Unable to obtain session lock” error and can't use Moodle?

Clear your browser cookies.

E.g. in Chrome browser:

If you are an experienced user, you can also locate only "moodle.tuni.fi" site spesific cookies and delete only those.

E.g. in Chrome browser:

Can I add external users to Moodle course?

Users with user account of another Finnish University can login to TUNI Moodle through HAKA login:

You can order special Moodle accounts to TUNI Moodle for other external users.

Instructions: How to order special Moodle accounts?

Course management (asked by student)

How can I unenroll from course or hide unnecessary courses (asked by student)?

A) Tampere University students:

If your course has not started yet, cancel your enrolment in Sisu. Data/changes from Sisu to TUNI Moodle is updated once an hour. If course has already started and you can't cancel your enrolment anymore, contact Sisu support to abort your course.

Only if you have enrolled to Moodle course with enrolment key shared by teacher, you can also unenroll from course by yourself in Moodle:
Go to the course > Select cog wheel -menu (upper right corner) > Unenrol me from...

Courses in Moodle are visible for students as long as course's teacher keeps the course published.

Tip: You can hide unnecessary courses from Moodle dashboard by marking all important courses with a start and then:
https://moodle.tuni.fi/my > Show settings > Show favourites only

B) TAMK students:

If your course has not started yet, cancel your enrolment in Pakki and wait until the next day. If course has already started and you can't cancel your enrolment anymore, contact the teacher of the course to abort the course. 

Only if you have enrolled to Moodle course with enrolment key shared by teacher, you can also unenroll from course by yourself in Moodle:
Go to the course > Select cog wheel -menu (upper right corner) > Unenrol me from...

Courses in Moodle are visible for students as long as course's teacher keeps the course published.

Tip: You can hide unnecessary courses from Moodle dashboard by marking all important courses with a start and then:
https://moodle.tuni.fi/my > Show settings > Show favourites only

I can't find course X (asked by student)?

It may be that the course exists and your are a student on the course, but the course is still hidden from students. If you suspect that the course should already be visible to students, contact course's teacher directly.

Not all courses use Moodle. If you are not sure, contact course's teacher directly and ask about learning environments used in the course.

Verify that you have enrolled to the course in Sisu (Tampere University) or Pakki (TAMK).

You can find all your Moodle courses from Moodle dashboard: 

If you have marked some courses as favourites and therefore all courses are not visible on Moodle dashboard:
Show settings > Number of courses to display > Always show all (top option)

Create new course and course management (asked by teacher)

I need new course?

Create new TUNI Moodle course here:

(Moodle dashboard: https://moodle.tuni.fi/my > Create new course)

I can't find user X from Moodle?

Moodle user profile is automaticall created when user logs in to Moodle first time. After that the user can be found from Moodle.

Ask the user to login to Moodle:

After that you can find the user and e.g. add the user manually to your course.

If you need to add several users to your course, use enrolment key.

Instructions: Set enrolment key

Students enrolled to Sisu implementation will be added to TUNI Moodle course if the TUNI Moodle course has been created in Sisu and teacher has confirmed the enrolments in Sisu. 

Instructions: Sisu and TUNI Moodle

Could you add user X to Moodle course?

Only course's teachers can add additional teachers and students to the course. IT Helpdesk can only add users to course if permission from your supervisor is provided.

If Moodle course has been created in Sisu (Tampere University) or Peppi (TAMK), add new users to the course through Sisu or Peppi. 

Instructions: Sisu and TUNI Moodle

How can I delete my old or unnecessary course (asked by teacher)?

You can move the course to trashbin if you are a teacher in the Moodle course. After the course has been moved to trashbin it will be available 30 days in trashbin and after that the course will be permanently deleted.

Instructions: Delete course

I can't find course X (asked by teacher)?

You can find all your Moodle courses from Moodle dashboard: 

If you have marked some courses as favourites and therefore all courses are not visible on Moodle dashboard:
Show settings > Number of courses to display > Always show all (top option)

If the course is still missing, verify that you have created a Moodle course for your course implementation.

Instructions: Create new course

Course materials (asked by teacher)

How to copy course contents from old to new course?

If your old and new Moodle courses are in TUNI Moodle you can copy all or only some of the content from the old course to the new course.

Instructions: Copy course (import)

How to add new sections/topics to course?

Turn editing on and click "Add topics" button located at the bottom of the course area.

How to add link to course?

Add "URL" resource to the course:
Turn editing on > Add an sctivity or resource > Select "URL"
Fill-in name and actual URL.

Of course you can also add links using Moodle's editor. E.g. add link into forum post or assignment description.

How to add video to course?

Add videos to video service first and then embed or link the videos from video service to Moodle. Do not upload video files directly to Moodle. For performance reasons, the maximum allowed file size in TUNI Moodle is 100 Mb.

Instructions: Uploading videos to Moodle course

More use case instructions: Educational, project and science videos

How to add very big files to course?

For performance reasons, the maximum allowed file size in TUNI Moodle is 100 Mb.

Share very big files from Office 365 OneDrive and just add links to Moodle course. Sharing a folder and all files/subfolders in the shared folder is also possible.

If you are a teacher, you can, for example, paste the shared file link to a course page in Moodle. All students will be able to access/download the file without logging into OneDrive.

If you are a student, you can, for example, paste the shared file link to an assignment you return to Moodle. The teacher will be able to access/download the file without logging into OneDrive.

Instructions: Office 365 OneDrive: File sharing

If there is also a lot of student collaboration required in the course, consider using TUNI Groups (Office 365 Teams) as an additional service along Moodle course.

Instructions: Group working via Teams during large courses

How to add lecture recording to course?

The most common use cases:

A) The teacher wants to record a lecture as a review material for the students. The teacher wants to record it on a personal computer and publish it on Moodle.

Instructions: Training video created by the teacher on own computer

B) The teacher wants to record a lecture as a review material for the students. The teacher wants to use the recording equipment at the lecture room and publish the lecture on Moodle.

Instructions: Video services for events

Sisu and TUNI Moodle

I need many Moodle courses to one Sisu implementation?

You can create only one TUNI Moodle course for one Sisu implementation in Sisu. If you need more TUNI Moodle courses, you can create additional courses manually to "Other" category. Note that you must invite students to these courses with enrolment key or add students manually.

Instructions: Sisu and TUNI Moodle

Why there are not any students in my Moodle course?

Students enrolled to Sisu implementation will be added to TUNI Moodle course if the TUNI Moodle course has been created in Sisu and teacher has confirmed the enrolments in Sisu. If "enrolment period with direct confirmation" setting is used in Sisu implementation, students will be added automatically to TUNI Moodle course.

If needed, students can be added manually or by enrolment key directly to TUNI Moodle course (e.g. external students without TUNI account).

Instructions: Sisu and TUNI Moodle

Why there are students in my Moodle course who are not enrolled in Sisu implentation?

If there are unknown students in Moodle course who have not enrolled in Sisu check the following first:

Have you or other teacher in the course activated enrolment key in Moodle course? By default enrolment key is not activated in new Moodle courses. 

Have you or other teacher in the course manually added students to Moodle course?